
Andrew Kwa, Principal

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Elton Academy, a prestigious private High School in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. I look forward to your stay at our school and am certain that you will become an active member of our vibrant community.

Our commitment at Elton Academy is to provide a safe and intellectually stimulating environment that will empower students to become innovative thinkers, creative problem solvers and inspired learners. We are devoted to providing students with an educational experience that will allow them to reach their full potential. High standards of achievement and expectations for each student in regard to academic performance, participation, and responsible citizenship are the foundation of our school.

By enrolling at Elton Academy, students will prepare to enter the university or college of their choice and will be guided through the next steps in their lives. Our English language programs allow students to develop the fluency and ability to succeed at a post-secondary level.

Our qualified staff are dedicated to your success and will make every effort to help you achieve your academic goals. At Elton Academy, we pride ourselves in developing not only successful students but also global leaders of the future.

Kind regards,

Andrew Kwa
Elton Academy



爱尔顿高中(ELTON ACADEMY)是安省教育部注册的全日制私立高中,开设9-12年级课程和大学预备课程,并根据学生特点配备相应课后辅导,拥有多伦多最具经验的学分及语言老师,独特的3对1关怀系统,高质量的教学体系,权威全程升学指导,积极向上的学风以及丰富的社会实践活动使得爱尔顿高中在众多名校中脱颖而出。 埃尔顿高中与众多北美名校保持紧密的合作关系,我校学生的优异表现也是爱尔顿常年保持极高的名校升学率。





Andrew Kwa